Our Team
We are a team of researchers and students from diverse fields and backgrounds interested in developing discovery and hypothesis driven methods and systems for improving the state-of-the-art in cancer research.
Shikhar Uttam, Ph.D.
Principle Investigator

Bogdan Kochetov, Ph.D.
Post-doctoral Associate

Rebecca Raphael, M.S.
Lab Manager

Christopher Andersen
Graduate Student

PhD student, Joint CMU-Pitt Ph.D. Program in Computational Biology (CPCB)

Rajdeep Pawar
Graduate Student

PhD student, Integrated Systems Biology (ISB) program

Caitlin Strassburg
Graduate Student

PhD student, Joint CMU-Pitt Ph.D. Program in Computational Biology (CPCB)

Thomas Jacob
Graduate Student

PhD student, Joint CMU-Pitt Ph.D. Program in Computational Biology (CPCB)

Danielle Pitlor
Graduate Student

MS student, Bioengineering

Phi Nguyen
TECBio REU student

Computer Science Senior, University of Portland, Portland, OR


Benjamin Raymond
Benjamin Raymond
Software developer at Epic Systems.
Carli Newman
Carli Newman
Research Technician at Ben Towne Center for Childhood Cancer Research, Seattle
Kanika Yadav
Kanika Yadav
Pursuing MD at Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey, PA
Pooja Chawla
Pooja Chawla
Pursuing MS in Bioengineering in the Department of Bioengineering at University of Pittsburgh.
Riley Arbuckle
Riley Arbuckle
Pursuing PhD in Human genetics in the School of Public Health at University of Pittsburgh.
We're always looking to spark connections and create opportunities.
Connect, collaborate or just say hi.
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